This month, it was Lillian’s turn in front of my camera. It has been a busy week and I will admit that I shot one roll and misplaced it for a few days, so I re-shot the roll and this is the result. It has been a few months since I had the opportunity to photograph Lillian and it was fun getting to slow down and talk to her for a few minutes (twice). She has really grown up in the past year and a half. She is currently a running start student, taking classes at WSU while continuing a Calculus class at Hanford High School and still a member of the Senior company, dancing 6 days a week. I miss not having her around as much and I worry about her especially with her being a teen and being responsible for her own Epi-pen but so far she is doing amazing and I am so proud of her!
I photographed her using Imago 320 Film, developing it using the Cinestill DF96. I am still learning how to meter for this film and the developing but I am really liking the results.
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