This month it was Tessa’s turn in front of the camera. Tessa turned 14 on the 17th and it seemed fitting to photograph her on the last day she was 13. I caught her for 5 minutes in between school and her daily ballet class.

I have loved watching Tessa grow and I am love talking with her and hearing her thoughts on everyday life. My favorite is when she gets tired and these deep thoughts start coming to the surface. Last week she started talking about teenagers and how people say they do stupid things and she assured me that she never had any thoughts to do anything stupid even though she is now a full-fledged teen. There are lots of goofy moments and within those silly times, her personality of caring for others and always trying to be the peacemaker never falters. I am so happy Tessa is a part of our family! Here is an excerpt from her personal narrative that she is writing for her 8th grade Honors ELA class.
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