One afternoon, at the beginning of the month, Henry came to me and asked me to help him rake the leaves in our front yard. I agreed to go outside for a short amount of time to help him. As I was heading out the door, he casually says, “You can take pictures of me jumping in the leaf pile like you did last year with Evelyn.” Boy, does this kid know how to tug at my heartstrings. I grabbed the Mamiya RZ67 (a beast of a camera) and a roll of Tri-X 400 film. Soon I had shot all 12 frames and found myself heading inside for another roll of film and another. It was such a fun afternoon and I am so thankful he got me outside and reminded me to take some photos. I can’t explain how much I love this boy of mine! Here are the photos from the two rolls of Tri-X and the third roll (color) will be developed soon.