What a crazy month! I am still documenting our daily life under the Stay Home, Stay Safe order. Some days are better than others but overall, our family is learning to tolerate the new “normal.” I am still using the calendar that the kids started at the beginning of this, so we started out counting down the days until school started again. They started their countdown at 42 days left and are slowly working through to zero (which means nothing now that school has been canceled for the rest of the year). When we get to zero, I am thinking we will start counting again? Who knows-I’ll let the kids figure that one out.

Benton County recommended the use of face masks today. Henry tried on several during the day and got Stephen to put a few on with him.

Our family is so lucky to have Tessa who always keeps us smiling!

Stephen is borrowing Tessa’s desk, so he can have a quiet place to teach and go to his meetings. Tessa was helping Stephen do his hair before he taught his Zoom class.

Tessa showing me the markers, she was going to have Stephen sniff.

Evelyn’s notes for her UW classes.

Disney Plus to the rescue. It kept Henry occupied long enough so that Lillian and Tessa could do their ballet class.

Disney Plus kept Henry occupied but the girls still had to deal with the dog that felt the need to take class with them.

Stephen working on faceting a rock for Evelyn.

We were feeling the need to get out of the house, so we decided to go for a ride. We had a picnic in the car and set off down some dirt roads to get away. Little did we know, our enjoyable ride would be quite the adventure!

Pretzel making after our adventure.

Henry winning against Lillian in Old Maid.

Day 31 (I am missing one roll of film, which happens to have the sign saying 31 days left!)

Abby guarding our wi-fi.

Dominos contactless delivery for dinner. It was funny to watch the delivery person toss the pizza on our stairs and run.

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I love how you’re documenting the everyday. The flat tire series is so epic…even if it didn’t feel that way at the time!
I love how all your images feel so real, I feel like I’m right there living inside your images. I also LOVE that your captured those flat tire shots! Not something most people would think to document which is why I love them so much; plus that light was amazing!