This month, we finally were able to find a day that everyone was free (not an easy task when Evelyn is at UW) and we went up to Mt. Spokane to do a bit of snowshoeing. It felt so good to be outside and have everyone together again. We had a great time, even when we got stuck in the pelting snow/ice mix. The snow eventually gave way to blue skies and we were able to enjoy a beautiful sunset.
This month I used a Nikon F6 camera and Kodak Tri-X 400 film. I love this combination, I can set my camera to Shutter Speed Priority and autofocus, allowing me to have some control over the results but still be present and enjoy my time with my family!
Follow the blog circle to LINK HERE. I am loving this project and the opportunity to catch a glimpse into other photographers’ days!
New year, new project. I am not happy with the results of this particular roll of film but I am glad I picked up my camera and shot a roll of film. Every January, I find myself in the same unmotivated photo slump and I have to really force myself to take on a new project. I shot this roll on a day that the schools had a two hour delay and I was giving a photography final to the high school students I teach. Nothing exciting, just a glimpse into the average day.
I am hoping that by posting this roll, I will be reminded that sometimes the victory is just in picking up the camera and the sense of accomplishment that comes with that small step.
Please follow the blog circle by visiting THIS POST!
One afternoon, at the beginning of the month, Henry came to me and asked me to help him rake the leaves in our front yard. I agreed to go outside for a short amount of time to help him. As I was heading out the door, he casually says, “You can take pictures of me jumping in the leaf pile like you did last year with Evelyn.” Boy, does this kid know how to tug at my heartstrings. I grabbed the Mamiya RZ67 (a beast of a camera) and a roll of Tri-X 400 film. Soon I had shot all 12 frames and found myself heading inside for another roll of film and another. It was such a fun afternoon and I am so thankful he got me outside and reminded me to take some photos. I can’t explain how much I love this boy of mine! Here are the photos from the two rolls of Tri-X and the third roll (color) will be developed soon.
Please click here to see Amy Berge’s “One Roll, One Kid” for the month of November.
This month it was Tessa’s turn in front of the camera. Tessa turned 14 on the 17th and it seemed fitting to photograph her on the last day she was 13. I caught her for 5 minutes in between school and her daily ballet class.
I have loved watching Tessa grow and I am love talking with her and hearing her thoughts on everyday life. My favorite is when she gets tired and these deep thoughts start coming to the surface. Last week she started talking about teenagers and how people say they do stupid things and she assured me that she never had any thoughts to do anything stupid even though she is now a full-fledged teen. There are lots of goofy moments and within those silly times, her personality of caring for others and always trying to be the peacemaker never falters. I am so happy Tessa is a part of our family! Here is an excerpt from her personal narrative that she is writing for her 8th grade Honors ELA class.
This month, it was Lillian’s turn in front of my camera. It has been a busy week and I will admit that I shot one roll and misplaced it for a few days, so I re-shot the roll and this is the result. It has been a few months since I had the opportunity to photograph Lillian and it was fun getting to slow down and talk to her for a few minutes (twice). She has really grown up in the past year and a half. She is currently a running start student, taking classes at WSU while continuing a Calculus class at Hanford High School and still a member of the Senior company, dancing 6 days a week. I miss not having her around as much and I worry about her especially with her being a teen and being responsible for her own Epi-pen but so far she is doing amazing and I am so proud of her!
I photographed her using Imago 320 Film, developing it using the Cinestill DF96. I am still learning how to meter for this film and the developing but I am really liking the results.
This month’s One Roll is dedicated to Henry and Abby. (The photos were taken on National Dog Day). Henry was supposed to start middle school yesterday but the plans changed due to a teacher strike, so he is enjoying his final days of summer playing with Abby and trying to get along with Tessa while the rest of the family continues to work and go to school.
There is really so much more that I want to record but this month has been challenging and I am still trying to process everything. Hopefully, once things settle down I can return to this month and add on. So today, I am celebrating a roll of film that I managed to shot, process and edited. It has been too long and I need to remind myself that it is ok to stop and take a breather and shoot for myself every once in a while.
Please follow the blog circle by clicking HERE. I love Amy’s work, it is always inspiring to see her One Roll, One Kid posts!
Thank you so much for visiting my One Roll, One Kid blog post. All of the photos in this post were taken with the Pentax 645Nii and Illford’s HP5 film. This month I developed the film using Kodak’s HC-110 developer and scanned the negatives with the Epson V750 flatbed scanner.
This month I had Tessa step in front of the camera. Tessa is such a sweet addition to our family, always helping out her siblings and cracking jokes to keep us laughing. It is amazing how much she has grown over the past year. This month, I took her to Seattle with me for Evelyn’s UW orientation. While Evelyn was at UW, Tessa and I hung out and did a little shopping. I took her into the American Girl Doll store and offered to buy her a doll as a reward for doing so well this past year in school. We wandered around the store for about an hour and she finally told me that she would rather have her nails painted than a doll. Let me tell you, I was so sad knowing that my little girl was little no more. My best memories of Tessa have been her caring for her dolls and playing school for hours upstairs in her room. I am excited that she is doing so well and is growing up, it is just a time of great change for our family. So, this month I got my nails painted (first time in over 15 years), did some crazy all day shopping trips and enjoyed the company of my youngest teen daughter.
All photos were taken with the Pentax 645Nii and Illford HP5 film. Self scanned and developed.
Please follow the blog circle by visiting Dena’s Blog!
I think my month is perfectly reflected in my roll of film, not quite right, a little different but lots of fun. This past month has been a month that has pushed my limits in so many ways.
This month, my oldest graduated from college, I quit my job teaching at one school and accepted a position at a new school, a trip to Flordia and a trip to Michigan. It will be a month to remember- including all of the ups and downs.
Evelyn was the “kid” for this month. June is her month, graduating from high school, leaving her internship, starting a new internship and quickly becoming more and more grown up every single day. It was such a memorable month, I wish I had the state of mind to take more phots so I can remember every last detail but I had a hard time keeping up with the end of the school year events.
Evelyn and I started at Kamiakin High School together, she was a freshman and I was a brand new teacher. I love the fact that I got to see her every single day at school. We laughed a lot and some days we cried but we survived the past 4 years together. It is going to be hard having her gone, I don’t think it has really hit me how much I will miss having her around. I am excited for her and am so proud of everything she has accomplished and everything she has helped me accomplish at Kamiakin.
I feel like this post is not anywhere near adequate for expressing the emotions that helped define the last month but I am still processing and hope next month will allow me to slow down a little to take everything in.
Keep following the blog circle to see what everyone else has been up to this month!
It has been an insane month, so insane that I forgot I did Henry last month and photographed him again this month! It is good though, Henry had a super exciting month. He turned 11 years old and was in his first every play. The daffodil seen in the photos was a prop from it. Henry LOVED being a part of the play and the Kamiakin Drama members welcomed him in with open arms. Henry even told me it was the most fun he has ever had in a school!
This month it was Henry’s turn in front of the camera. I love the age he is at right now, almost a middle schooler but still young enough to have some fun without worrying how he looks.
It has been a crazy month with school activities, sports and work. I have been so busy, I haven’t had the chance to take many photos, I miss it. I really am happy and at peace when I am taking photos or developing film.
This month, as I was taking Henry’s photo, he let me in on some of his deep thoughts, including his plan to take a gap year in between elementary school and middle school. I am seriously thinking a gap year would be good for us both, I don’t know if I am ready to let my little boy grow up so fast.
All photos were taken with Kodak Tmax 400 film with the Pentax 645 nII camera.
Please click HERE to see the next One Roll, One Kid blog post by Vanessa Smith!